
Students explored how writing skills translate into a variety of careers at a daylong festival with returning 十大菠菜台子 alumni working in journalism, 编辑, 翻译, 市场营销, 通信, 和更多的.

在周六, 2月17日, 英语 Department and Worldbuilding Career Channel hosted the Festival of Careers in Writing in the Moore Lounge. The day included discussions among alumni with careers in the fields of writing, 包括新闻, 编辑, 格兰特写作, 市场营销, 和沟通. It served as an opportunity for students to network and receive advice on their career paths.

主讲人是Kirk Williamson,他是公司的产品经理 芝加哥读者. Throughout his speech, he talked about the non-linear pathway he took to get to where he was. Williamson recounted a time when he quit his current job at the time in the late 2000’s and on the train ride home stopped at the office of 多嘴的杂志. 他不确定地离开了办公室,但最终得到了他想要的工作.

Williamson concluded his speech with, “Don’t expect any of this to be a linear thing. 走进外面的世界, 运用自己, 忠于你所知道的自己, 坚持你的激情, 坚持你的原则, 坚持走自己的路, 让法律见鬼去吧.”

其他发言者也有同感. 天使运动员的16, 芝加哥公共广播公司的艺术记者, 谁是新闻小组的成员, talked about having a good foundation by gaining experiences from freelancing, 实习, 奖学金, 和更多的. “It doesn’t always have to be linear in the sense that it is long term just looking at them all as little pebbles that you are collecting.”

林恩Vollbrecht 06年, Optum的一位营销教练说, “Take everything as a learning experience if you don’t feel valued or compensated… If you don’t feel valued or appreciated, 继续下一件事. 我学到的一件事是,我的事业是我的.”

建立人际关系是整个活动的主要目的. There were breaks in between each segment to allow for students to talk to the alumni present. They were also able to talk over dinner to continue p牧师ious conversations and start up new ones.

乔纳森·霍普金斯的01, 伯洛伊特学院基金会关系部助理主任, 还有凯特琳·斯坦布鲁克, 他是威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校的高级营销作家, 两人都讨论了网络如何成为一个重要的实现工具. Gaining those personal relationships with foundations and people you are working closely with.

Freelancing and getting your foot in the door was a point Kelsey Rettke’15, Editor of the 每日纪事报,鼓励. She discussed pitching things to different newspapers and magazines and letting them know what you are interested in, 如果他们有额外的报道,就可以联系他们.

Career Works’ Emily Sager put on a resume writing workshop in between panels. The goal was to help students translate their own writing and experience into an appealing resume and elevator pitch. Students were then encouraged to practice networking and use the skills they had just acquired when walking to the alumni. 学生们还被鼓励去就业指导办公室, 在皮尔逊的一楼, 或者给他们发封邮件 如果他们有任何问题或者想继续完善他们的简历.

Building resilience to ridicule or “tough skin” was another common theme amongst panelists. Rettke说:“这需要向一堆no进行大量的推销.” Stainbrook once had the entire state of Minnesota mad at her for not including their state in an article about birding when it was just an 编辑 mishap.

Student clubs were also given the floor to pitch their club to those in attendance as well as answer any questions. The collaborative writing clubs on campus represented were the Aardvark Authors, 圆桌, 贝洛伊特小说杂志以及Worldbuilding Collective.


(本文最初发表于伯洛伊特学院 圆桌.)

作者:Vanessa Skildum'27

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